Toxicity of Cellphone Addiction

Cellphone addiction is taking a toll on the mental wellbeing of millions of people. Smartphones have become such an integral part of our daily lives that we can easily forget how detrimental they can be when used excessively. The psychological effects of cellphone addiction can be just as serious as drug addiction, albeit in a different way.

The reason why cellphone addiction can become so harmful is that it can be an escape from real-life issues. After all, when you’re playing a game, scrolling social media, or replying to messages, you’re not engaging with the world around you. Unfortunately, although these activities may feel like a comforting break from reality, they actually serve to distance the cell phone user from facing their issues head-on.

One of the clearest effects of cellphone addiction is a decrease in focus and attention. Especially in young people, using a phone too often can lead to an extreme drop in focus. The blue light that emanates from smartphones keeps our minds perpetually switched on, leading to exhaustion and disinterest in tasks that require concentration. Not surprisingly, this decrease in concentration can also have detrimental effects on academic performance.

The use of cellphones can also lead to issues in relationships, both face-to-face and online. We can become so engrossed in our phones that we forget to listen to the person speaking to us or even give them eye contact. In extreme cases, a cell phone can become such a distraction that it can interfere with intimate relationships. Moreover, cyberbullying has become a major issue amongst teens due to the ease of direct messaging on platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

Finally, the issue of cellphone addiction is not limited to teenagers and adults. Even children are being chronically exposed to screens and need to be monitored to ensure their healthy development. The CDC recommends no more than one hour of screen time for young children every day. Any longer than that and a child’s exposure to screens can have long-term effects, such as inability to delay gratification, difficulty with empathy, and decreased physical activity.

In conclusion, cellphone addiction is becoming an increasingly grave problem. With frequent use comes decreased focus, a decrease in connection to the physical world, and increased potential for cyberbullying. Children, especially, need to be monitored carefully to ensure they’re not overusing their mobile devices as to not miss out on the much-needed development and connection of the physical world.