The Physical Health Risks Of Cell Phone Addiction

Cell phones are a major factor in our modern day world, and while some may find themselves on their phones slim to none, many of us may find ourselves on our phones frequently throughout the day. Phones are what keep us connected to the world around us, whether it’s to keep in touch with family while on business, or whether we are catching up with a close friend—via facetime—who has since moved away. Yet, even though there are a number of ways in which our phones benefit us, there are just as many disadvantages if we aren’t careful to use our phones in moderation. Consequently, excessive phone usage does not only affect one mentally/emotionally, but physically as well, through factors such as; their weight and their sleep patterns.

First and foremost is his/her weight which can begin to take a toll due to the obsession that he/she has with his/her phone. Oftentimes, those who scroll frequently on their phone begin to lose track of time, as second scrolls turn into minute scrolls, and minute scrolls turn into hour scrolls. They then begin to find themselves disconnected with reality, and instead only taking that which is right in front of their face, rather than that of their surroundings. In turn, this can cause problems for those who spend more time on their phones, rather than outside. The more time that they spend on their phones, the quicker that day turns to night, and they then find themselves wondering where all their time has went, and/or where it has been spent. In the midst of all that time, even a fifteen minute walk can make a big difference, doing good for their bodies, as well as their mental health.

Second is the effect that phones have on one’s sleep pattern. For many of us have heard that we should avoid tv, phones, and other such forms of light source right before bed because it makes it harder to sleep. In turn, the bright light exposure can throw off one’s sleep schedule, and cause him/her to get less sleep than he/she would normally. In turn, if this becomes a habit for the particular individual to scroll through his/her phone before bed, he/she may find himself/herself frequently waking up tired.

In conclusion, there are underlying effects that come with excessive cell phone usage, just as much as there are problems that wear on one physical. That’s why it’s important that individuals young or old are careful as to how much time they chose to spend on their phone, vs. how much time they take to interact with the world around them. For, if they aren’t careful it can cause great harm to their physical health, in addition to their mental/emotional health.